Friday, March 23, 2007
Finally, here:
Hope y'all have a great week! I know I will!
Read more...Finally, here:
Hope y'all have a great week! I know I will!
Read more..."Because of you I'm running out of reasons to cry."
I am, but unfortunately, some other people aren't. Has anyone watched this at all? I can't believe how idiotic our country is. How do you not know that Columbus Day is in October? Or that R.E.M. stands for Rapid Eye Movement? Or that there are 15 teaspoons in 5 tablespoons?
It's so sad that grown-ass adults do not know the answers to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade questions. In my opinion, the contestants should not win any money- the kids should. The adults on the show should walk home with their heads hung in shame.
I'm actually disgusted at this show- but I can't turn away- it's just such a trainwreck.
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