She'll pretty much have to: a woman's opinion
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
One of my favorite bloggers, Bad at Life recently posed some questions about jewelry ads- basically, why "women are so drawn to small sparkly rocks." I was going to answer in the comments, then realized I had a lot more to say than a few words, so I'm responding on here.
While I agree that some of the commercials are pretty damn lame (especially the "He went to Jared" ones), I do have to (shamefully) admit that I get a little choked up during some of the other ones. Yes, I am a total sap- that, and I've never received expensive (or even reasonably nice) jewelry from anyone other than my family. And I am a hopeless romantic- I've always wanted one of those "grand romantic gestures" from someone.
But to address the question that B@L posed, there are a few reasons women like to receive jewelry. First, in general, women express their feelings more often and openly than men do. We are the more affectionate gender.* So, while we may know that you love us, sometimes we like something more physical to show that love. Hence the whole "jewelry/flowers" thing. Most of us are not very subtle about our feelings for a man, while men are a lot less expressive. That's the briefest answer.
Secondly, our love of pretty things is ingrained in us from childhood. Look at the difference in children's clothing- boy's clothing is more functional, while girl's clothing is meant to be cute. Take skirts- there is absolutely nothing functional about skirts, except that they are less constricting and a lot cooler than pants in warm weather. And how many little girls are walking around with purses? Do they need them? Are they carrying wallets and car keys in them? No. They carry them because they are cute. And even as adults- we women wear some of the most uncomfortable garments you can imagine (pantyhose, anyone?), while men's clothing is about 200 times more comfortable- and functional. I wear skirts- a lot. Which means that (at work) I have to wear pantyhose (specifically thigh-highs). Not very comfortable, but definitely more flattering than pants. And women's shoes? I just bought a pair (which are my new favorites) of black, pointed-toe, 3" stillettos. Should I be wearing something more practical (especially given the size of the hotel I work in), like flats? Absolutely. But I won't, because these are pretty, and well, very sexy. Look back in time, as well.... even before electricity, women were working outside in dresses. Women also wore corsets. Neither of which were practical. But we like pretty things.
So yes, jewelry is not practical, and when you think about it, paying big bucks for a piece of rock isn't practical, but that's just what we've been taught to like (and appreciate).
And guys, with the holiday season approaching, here's a little advice for you- please, please, please don't get the woman in your life a kitchen appliance- while she may need a new blender, it's not a good present. Or, if you do, please get her something nice to go with it- like this. Rule of thumb- the less practical and the more pretty, the better the gift.
*these are vast generalizations, and in no way reflect all women or all men.
edit- I am not saying that anyone should spend 3 grand on a necklace, and I'm not sure I would want something that expensive. I just used that necklace as an example and didn't even look at the price.